Digitally Recording My Belongings

Insurance companies recommend an ‘Inventory Catalogue’ on a spread sheet of all your belongings.

The Problem:

Using this method, your records can be destroyed in a fire, flood, tornado, or a cyclone.

How will you remember all your belongings when under stress?

With LogITfirst all your records are safely and securely stored in cloud ready to lodge an insurance claim quickly.

Everyone needs an inventory of their belongings!

Are you about to spoil yourself with a beautiful piece of jewellery, a big screen TV or new sports equipment?

You are not alone, more than 50% of consumers expect to spend extra on themselves over the next three years, according to published reports.

Most will purchase apparel, beauty products and electronics.

Are you keeping track of each item, it’s not as hard as you may think with LogITfirst. How would you replace your belongings if your house burned down or a thief ransacked your apartment? Would you even remember all of the things you’ve gathered over the years?

Speed up your insurance claim because you won’t spend time trying to make an inventory after damage has been done.

Maximize your claim payment because you won’t forget any of your belongings.

The free online 24 / 7 online training will show you the quick and simple method of digital logging.

Cataloguing your contents and personal items with barcodes and LogITfirst is easier than you imagine and can be fun.

You only do it once, then keeping it up to date is simple.